
Cai Chang

In-school time:2015/09-Present
Grade:The class of 2015 master's graduate students
Major:Bridge Engineering
Supervisor:Prof. Xuhui He
Academic Title:Master Candidate
Degree:Master of Engineering

Education Background

》》2011/09-2015/06 CSU,Civil Engineering,Bachelor

Honors & Awards

[1] 2013 Award of Excellence of "The 9th National Zhou Peiyuan College Students Mechanics";

[2] 2013 The third prize of "The 9th Hunan colleges student mechanics contest";

[3] 2013 The third scholarship of Central South University;

[4] 2014 The second prize of "The second structural design competition of Central South University";

[5] 2014 The third prize of "The 9th Hunan colleges student mechanics contest";

[6] 2014 The second-grade national referee for basketball project;

[7] 2015 Advanced individual of Zhijin-Bijie railway project of the seventeen bureau of China Railway;

[8] 2015 The outstanding cadre of College of Civil Engineering;

[9] 2016 The outstanding member of College of Civil Engineering;

[10] 2016 The runner up of the basketball match of the Railway Campus;

Research Experience

[1] 2015 Construction monitoring of Guizhou Jiagai River Bridge;

[2] 2015 Experimental study on wind resistant of Guizhou Pingtang Bridge;

[3] 2015 Participated in "Wind-resistant design of high speed railway bridge - train system key parameters to deepen research " project;

[4] 2016 The study of wind parameters and wind tunnel test on the combined highway and railway bridge crossing Wuhu Changjiang River;

[5] 2016 Safety tests of glass bridge crossing the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon;

[6] 2017 Safety tests of Changsha airport highway;

Academic Achievements